According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA, healthcare is broadly defined and includes any care, service, or supply related to the mental or physical health of an individual. It is also defined as the treatment, management and prevention of illness and the preservation of the physical and mental well-being of a person with the help of medical and allied health professionals.
The goals for a healthcare system, according to the World Health Organization are to ensure the good health and respond to the expectations of the population as well as fair financial contribution from the people and the government. Implementation and progress of healthcare depend on the provision of healthcare services, generation of resources, proper financing and correct stewardship.
There are many policies that the government has instituted with regard to healthcare. These include rules, regulations and guidelines for the proper operation and financing of delivering healthcare to everyone. Not to mention that healthcare covers a very wide range of services including public health, mental health, long-term care, chronic illness and disability and preventive healthcare.