There are
various kinds of diseases and illness that affect humans. Some of these
diseases are caused by biological, chemical and physical factors and are very
dangerous to man’s health. These diseases are known to have recorded human
casualties in terms of death. Here is some example of these diseases and
Acetonemia: A condition
caused by elevated levels of acetone in the blood.
Achromatosis: A
disease characterized by an absence of pigmentation, as albinism.
Acidosis: A condition of
the blood in which the alkali reserve is lower than normal. Also called acid
intoxication or auto-intoxication.
Acromegaly: A disease
resulting from abnormal activity of the pituitary gland, causing bones of the extremities
to become enlarged.
Adynamia: Loss of strength
occasioned by a disease or illness; weakness.
Aeroembolism: A
condition caused by the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood as a result
of a sudden lowering of atmospheric pressure, as when flying at high altitude
or rising too rapidly from a deep underwater dive.
Aeroneurosis: A stress
condition of aviators, manifested in such physical symptoms as stomach pains,
digestive problems, etc.
Aerophagy: Erratic
gulping of air.
Ageusia: The partial or
complete loss of the sense of taste.
Alkalosis: A condition in
which the alkali content or reserve of the body is above normal.
Aluminosis: A
respiratory disease caused by prolonged inhalation of aluminium particles.
Amygdalitis: Inflammation
of one or both tonsils; tonsillitis.
Anabasis: The progress of
a disease, from onset to finish.
Analepsis: A form of
epileptic attack.
Anaphylaxis: Extreme
sensitivity to an antigen, causing secretion of histamine and attendant adverse
reactions, sometimes fatal.
Anemia: 1. Lack of
blood in the body.
2 Low proportion of red cells in the blood — anemic.
2 Low proportion of red cells in the blood — anemic.
Anemotrophy: Insufficient
nutrients in the blood.
Anergy: 1. Lack of
strength. 2. The failure of the body to respond to an
allergen or antigen.
Anesis: The remission of
disease symptoms.
Ankylosis: The stiffening
of the joints of the body, a result of the formation of a fibrous or bony
Anorexia: A complete lack
of appetite.
Anorexia, nervosa:
A neurotic disorder characterized by refusal to eat and abnormal fear of
obesity, seen especially in adolescent girls.
Anoxia: A condition characterized
by insufficient oxygen in the tissues.
Anthracosis: A disease
of coal miners caused by the inhalation of coal dust.
Antipyretic: Any
substance or medication effective in reducing fever. It is also called febrifuge.
Arthritism: 1. Predisposition
to gout.
Arthropathology: The
study of functional and structural changes made by diseases of the joints.
Asepticism: The prevention
of infection by such means as sterilization.
Ataxia, ataxy: Inability to
coordinate bodily movements, especially movements of the muscles. Check also order and disorder.
Avitaminosis: Any disease
or illness caused by an insufficiency of one or more vitamins.