Idiopathy: a disease or illness that is not occasioned or preceded by another.
Iipoma: a tumor consisting
of fatty tissue.
Invalidism: a condition
of prolonged ill health.
Iodism: a disease resulting
from excessive intake of iodine or its compounds; iodine poisoning.
1. The theory
that the product of a disease can be used to cure that same disease, as in the
treatment of smallpox with substance taken from the varioles.
2. The belief that a diseased organ can be cured by eating the corresponding organ from a healthy animal.
2. The belief that a diseased organ can be cured by eating the corresponding organ from a healthy animal.
Laryngitis: an inflamed
condition of the larynx, producing a sore throat and sometimes loss of voice.
Leontiasis: a form of
leprosy in which the face comes to resemble that of a lion.
Leucodermia, leucoderma: a congenital
deficiency of skin pigmentation that results in white patches over the surface
of the skin.
Leucorrhea: a white,
mucous, vaginal discharge, usually the result of an infection of the vagina.
Lientery: a variety of
diarrhea in which food is excreted either partially or wholly undigested.
Lionism: a rare lion-like
appearance of the face caused by leprosy; leontiasis.
Lipothymia, lipothymy: fainting or a
feeling of faintness; swooning; syncope.
Lithiasis: a condition
causing concretions of mineral salts, or calculi, in the pancreas, tear ducts,
appendix, or kidneys.
Loimography: the branch
of medicine dealing with the description of plagues.
Loimology: the study
of pestilential diseases and plagues.
Luetism: the venereal
disease syphilis in any of its three stages.