Diseases and Illnesses (2)

Blennorrhea: an abnormal discharge of mucous matter.
Bromism: a poisoning produced by excessive use of bromine or bromine compounds.
Bulimia: a raging hunger or voracious appetite.
Bulimorexia: a psychological condition in which the person alternately gorges himself with food and fasts, often resorting to self-induced vomiting after gorging.
Cacesthesia: a morbid sensation or disordered sensibility.
Cacoethes: a chronic and overwhelming desire; mania.
Calciphilia: a tendency to calcification.
Calenture: a tropical f ever accompanied by delirium.
Carphology: the motions of delirious or senile patients, especially motions of searching for and grasping at imaginary objects.
Caseation: the change in consistency of tissue to a soft, cheese like form, as in tuberculosis.
Catabasis: the tapering-off of a disease.
Catalepsy: a physical condition characterized by a loss of sensation, muscular rigidity, fixity of posture, and often by a loss of contact with surroundings.
Chalicosis: a lung disease caused by the breathing in of dust, especially stone dust.
Chloralism: a sickness caused by excessive use of chloral hydrate.
Chlorosis: green sickness; a disease of girls in puberty, characterized by, among other symptoms, greenish skin.
Chorea: a disease of the nervous system characterized by jerky, involuntary movement.
Choromania: the dancing sickness (epidemic chorea).
Cirrhosis: a degenerative disease of the liver, marked by an excessive formation of tissue and contraction of the organ, usually brought on by chronic alcohol abuse.
Clonism: a state or condition in which the muscles undergo clonus, or rapid flex-ion and extension.
Coiyza: a condition of catarrh in the nose; a head cold.
Cyanosis: bluish discolouration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen in the bloodstream.
Cypridophobia: an abnormal fear of venereal disease.
Cytopathology:  the branch of pathology that studies the effects of disease on the cellular level.