Diseases and Illnesses (3)

Delitescence: the sudden disappearance of symptoms or of objective signs of a lesion or disease.
Diathesis: a susceptibility to a certain disease.
Digitalism: an abnormal condition caused by excessive consumption of digitalis.
Diplegia: a form of paralysis in which similar parts on both sides of the body are affected.
Down’s syndrome: a genetic health situation affecting new born infant born with extra genetic chromosome which tend to limit the growth and development of the child.
Dysidrosis: a condition of abnormally excessive secretion of sweat.
Dysmenorrhea: a condition of painful menstruation.
Dyspepsia: an impairment of the ability to digest food, usually a discomfort after meals.
Dysphagiadysphagy: a condition in which there is difficulty in swallowing.
Dyspneadyspnoea: a condition of painful or difficult breathing.
Dystrophydystrophia: any of various diseases characterized by weakening or defective function of the process of nutrition, resulting in degeneration of the muscles.
Dysuria: difficulty or pain in urinating.
Eclamptism: a toxemia sometimes occurring in late pregnancy marked by visual impairment, headache, and occasionally, convulsions.
Ectasia: the swelling of a hollow organ of the body, as a vein.
Edema: abnormal collecting of fluids in the cells, tissues, and other parts of the body, causing swelling.
Emesis: an act of vomiting.
Emmeniopathy: disorder in the process of menstruation.
Empyema: the collecting of pus in one of the cavities of the body, especially in the cavity containing the lungs.
Epidemic: a disease that is widely prevalent in a particular area.
Epigenesis: the appearance of a secondary symptom in a disease or illness.    
Epilepsy: a disease of the nervous system characterized by convulsions, often leading to unconsciousness.
Epitasis: a period of violence in the course of a disease, especially a fever.
Epithelioma; a malignant tumor found especially on the skin, mouth, larynx, and bladder.
1. An excessive irritability or sensibility to stimulation in any part of the body, especially the sexual organs.
2. A psychic disturbance characterized by irritability, emotional instability, depression, shyness, and fatigue, often caused by toxicity.
Erysipelas: an infectious disease of the skin marked by inflammation and accompanied by fever.
Erythema: an abnormal red condition of the skin, the result of capillary congestion.
Erythromelalgia: a disease of the hands and feet characterized by a purplish discoloration and a sensation of burning pain.
Erythrosis: a pathological condition characterized by a reddish color of the skin and mucous membrane.
Etiolation: paleness of color as a result of illness or exclusion from light.